Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Lesbian Right's

Recently I spoke about the importance of maintaining logical consistence. For instance if you believe it is wrong to consume meat it logically follows that you don’t eat any animals. You don’t just haphazardly choose which animals are fine to eat and which are not right to consume, based on some arbitrary moral stance of say-- cuteness or size.

Leftism has problems maintaining logical consistency-- mostly they ignore it all together, championing themselves as pragmatists-- but Guadalupe Benitez takes this form irrational thinking to a new height. Guadalupe, an announced lesbian is suing Dr. Brody for refusing to artificially inseminate her. Guadalupe and homosexual activists are up in arms crying discrimination-- that a healthcare worker has no right to discriminate against lesbians in a free country.

Well, sort of but not really. In a free country the law does not discriminate against individuals and minorities. But the law is not discriminating against Guadalupe. Lesbians have the right to receive insemination from any willing doc, they have the right to inseminate themselves if need be, thye have the right to find a willing doc to do the procedure, they have the right to hire a quack from the classifieds if that toots their horn, they even have the right to receive insemination from an untrained circus midget midget willing to do it for a six pack and a baggie of tobacco. What Guadalupe does not have the right to do is coerce a particular individual to perform the insemination. This government coercion is in direct conflict with Dr. Brody’s right to be a free thinking, self determined individual. It is possible that Dr. Brody’s employer would see differently and fire the doctor for refusing to inseminate the lesbian and that would be the employer’s right, but it is not the government‘s right.

This is not an issue of homosexual rights it's an issue of individual rights. Couls she refuse the insemination if Guadalupe was a drug addict. What if she was mean and abusive? What if she openly supported the murder of Catholics?Doctors have the right to refuse patients for any number of reasons. religous choice is only of them.



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