Thursday, November 22, 2007

Reminiscing about my Education

I attended university to gain the theoretical knowledge needed to guide my practical actions that would be crucial for my adult life. But if I hoped to receive this type of training at university I was terribly wrong. Today, universities have no interest in such methodology. Universities are now governed by a faculty concerned with ego driven leftist agendas. Professors now teach the country’s most impressionable minds that it’s impossible to say anything positive about reality (metaphysics) as “true reality” is tainted by our biased mind. And because knowledge is relative to our environments, in essence it becomes equally relevant and thus ultimately irrelevant (epistemology and anthropology). This logically leads the most earnest students to their predictable conclusions: knowledge is subjective and biased towards social-economic background, which makes ethical statements naïve, as they’re the extension of this flawed knowledge. Finally, political science reaffirms that positive assertions are nothing more than the culmination of these subjective whims and simply put “who’s to say what’s right”! A mind trained with this type of foundation characterizes the university’s most inquisitive and conscientious minds. The University activist is only expounding on the doctrines he’s been taught, treatise which eventually produce the expected existential temperaments of fear and depression, conditions which typify the apologists of relativism, collectivism and existentialism.

And we’re surprised that a worldview like this, one in which uncertainty and instability is our usual state, has a tendency to produce citizens filled with neurosis and insecurity? The lessons of the enlightenment-- optimism and reason-- have been choked by skeptical traditions stemming of Kant, Hume, Rousseau, Dewey, Camus and Chomsky, and today professors and students are slavish products of this fatalist philosophy.
Our best Professors lecture under the hip banner of pragmatism staking their rebellious identities on the fact they take no moral stands, are unwilling to express any viewpoints, using the justification that “there’s no such thing as truth”, and “its wrong to judge”. Interested in pushing an anti-philosophical agenda that renders all paradigms of thought as useless, liberal professors intentionally ignore the idea a university’s goal should be to equip its students with the ability to judge and evaluate. Their relativism succeeds only in frustrating and depressing the most eager minds, condemning them to an endless maze of contradiction and hypocrisy with little chance of discovering solutions. It’s worthy of Shakespearean consideration that students are smart enough to understand the outcomes of what they’re taught, but not independent enough to reject the theories.

The mind, man’s mechanism for comprehending his complex reality has been invalidated by his intellectual mentors. The university’s goal should have been to produces confident minds able to discriminate between fact and fiction, valuing self-determination over other imposing, corrupt and inefficient forms of organization such as dictatorship and socialism.

When we teach students fear and uncertainty are people’s natural state, that skepticism is the mark of an intellectual, it’s a predictable outcome that they clamor in protest groups for government intervention and paternalist social engineering.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Proposals to Canadian Government to end Unemployment

Bridge to Hawaii:
This mandate of a 4800 km suspension bridge from Vancouver to Honolulu would be Canada’s most involved and committed plan to eliminate unemployment in Canada to date. If unemployment is the problem then we can help by creating jobs. Not only would this bridge be a boon for our economy, but it will greatly add to our leisure lifestyle. We would open access to one of the most beautiful resort destinations in the world, and only a 50 hour car ride away.

Moving the Great Lakes to Saskatchewan:
The Great Lakes are losing water—holes in the bed? Well let’s plug the lake bed. I propose moving the Great Lakes to central Saskatchewan in the meantime. Not only is this is another labor intensive endeavor that would have a positive impact on employment levels in the country, but it would also send a strong message to Americans that think they can purchase nearly all of Canada’s oil without repercussions. Early estimates predict a necessary manpower need of over 350,000 people for 40 years. Not only would over 1200 km of shoreline have to be carved out of central Saskatchewan, preferably by shovel to increase work status length, but a zillion cubic meters of water would have to be transported over 2000 km to the new lake bed. And then the process would have to be reversed to get the water back to Toronto.

The world’s deepest drilling program:
Canada has always been shortsighted in its drilling industry. The pursuit of energy has left Canada without a comprehensive strategy to lower unemployment levels in other parts of the country. The key is to break drilling strategies from the pursuit of energy. The Canadian government should pay a subsidy based upon meterage successfully drilled, with inclining rates for deeper depths. Capitalists complain that the problem with governments charging Energy providers high royalty tax rates is that the Energy companies do less drilling, which only increases unemployment. Now we can take that extra tax revenue and use it to create incentives to drill duster, albeit deep dusters, which will stimulate employment across the country. We can have the increased wealth from energy revenues as well as the high employment levels associated with record levels of drilling. Prior to this drilling has been mainly segregated to Alberta. This is unfair, and with this new mandated program, drilling can be expanded to all provinces and everyone can enjoy the fruits of high paying roughneck jobs.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


I believe that the proper role of government is negative, not positive; defensive, not aggressive. It is to protect, not to provide; for if the state is granted the power to provide for some, it must also be able to take from others, and once that power is granted, there are those who will seek it for their advantage. It always leads to legalized plunder and loss of freedom. If government is powerful enough to give us everything we want, it is also powerful enough to take from us everything we have. Therefore, the proper function of government is to protect the lives, liberty, and property of its citizens; nothing more. That government is best which governs least.

Edward Griffin

The Creed of Freedom: Part Trois

I believe that all citizens should be equal under law, regardless of their national origin, race, religion, gender, education, economic status, life style, or political opinion. Likewise, no class should be given preferential treatment, regardless of the merit or popularity of its cause. To favor one class over another is not equality under law.

Edward Griffin

Saturday, November 03, 2007


I believe that one of the greatest threats to freedom is to allow any group, no matter its numeric superiority, to deny the rights of the minority; and that one of the primary functions of just government is to protect each individual from the greed and passion of the majority.

I believe that desirable social and economic objectives are better achieved by voluntary action than by coercion of law. I believe that social tranquility and brotherhood are better achieved by tolerance, persuasion, and the power of good example than by coercion of law. I believe that those in need are better served by charity, which is the giving of one's own money, than by welfare, which is the giving of other people's money through coercion of law.

Edward Griffin

The Creed of Freedom


I believe that only individuals have rights, not the collective group; that these rights are intrinsic to each individual, not granted by the state; for if the state has the power to grant them, it also has the power to deny them, and that is incompatible with personal liberty.

I believe that a just government derives its power solely from the governed. Therefore, the state must never presume to do anything beyond what individual citizens also have the right to do. Otherwise, the state is a power unto itself and becomes the master instead of the servant of society.

I will continue to publish the rest of Edward Griffin's creed throughout the weekend. The world needs more men like Edward.

Friday, November 02, 2007

The Olympics-- and what they stand for

This is the year China hosts the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games by their own definition "have always brought people together in peace to respect universal moral principles". So in the spirit of this moral decleartion I thought I would post some fun facts about the people’s republic of China for all the moral relativists out there that prefer to demonize the western world instead of facing the real enemies.

Criminal Justice

*Only one in 5 trials in China have eye-witnesses.
*Torture is the most common form of interrogation.
*The conviction rate is 99.7%
*The criminal code names 68 crimes punishable by death.
*In 2005 Amnesty International estimated 1,770 executions.
*In March 2004 the government introduced execution vans.

Forced Labor
*Chinese statistics admit there are 260,000 people being held in “reeducation through labor” camps. These camps are called Laogai. These camps were originally created to reeducate enemies of Communism. Laogai’s are expected to create a profit.
*At least 200 Laogai made products that are exported throughout the world.
*Under the system local police can send anyone to the camp for three years without a trial.

*The Chinese Government spent 800 million to create the Jin Dun Project. A method of controlling and policing the internet.
*The system is run by a 50,000 person Internet control department.
*China is the biggest jailer in the world for cyber dissidents. (Albeit the Chinese have been greatly helped by western business partners—Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Sisco. For example Yahoo agreed to filter is search engines so that a Chinese search for “Free Tibet” yielded 0 web pages.)
*China is also the largest jailer in the world of journalists.
*In China there are no privately owned television or radio stations.

Human Freedom
*In 6 of 31 provinces government permission is needed for a married couple to have a child.
*Some provinces practice coerced abortion and sterilization.

*In 2007 5,986 laborers died in coal mining accidents.

Speaking of the Olympics…
*Over 400,000 people have been evicted from their homes in preparation for the Olympic Games.
*Another 500,000 are still expecting to be evicted.

Still think there is no difference between political and economic freedom.

All fact taken from Tyranny in the 20th century (link not working right will post late)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Dion the Wise and Benevolent

So Dion will consider raising the GST back to 7% if he gains power. So with a surplus of money (I hate the word surplus, there is actually no such thing as a government surplus—I prefer over looting or excessive pillaging) in government coffers to the tune of 11.6 billion Dion wants to reinstate the GST tax to 7%. Why? Because the government needs more money— no. We just mentioned the abundant plunder from 08. Maybe, because he needs more money for grandiose socialist plan—no again. Well maybe eventually, but he hasn’t released any plans. (I still prefer the building of a bridge to the moon to guarantee full employment in Canada) Well if not either, then why? Simply put— because the Conservatives cut it. Brilliant policy. Overtly reactionary policy meant to spurn a political opponent. Well this point of separation he is so intent on making hurts the people he expects to vote for him.

The pointy headed Marxist claims income tax cuts would be more effective. Maybe they would be, but if that’s the case, then cut income tax levels too. It isn’t an either/or decision. If Dion believes in tax cuts he should implement both. But he doesn’t, as it is with all Marxist types, rhetoric and propaganda is they key ingredient to securing votes. His policy, his direction consists of nothing more than vilifying his political opponents in order to procure power. His paradigm is intellectually shallow and evidently unsuccessful.

I love a politician that overtly cuts all ties with ideology and plans to rule the country under the direction of arbitrary whims and notions. “Hey vote for me, you never know what I’ll do next.” Sounds compelling. Blessed be the pointy headed arbitrary election platform of a closet Marxist.