Enviormental hysteria leads to world Government.
why can't we all get along?
So you are sitting in a coffee shop or at a dinner with the spouse's friends and some wingnut starts into the leftist blame us campaign. "All the world problems in the world are because of Bush." At first you sit there then the diatribe becomes untolerable. We have heard it all. "All we have to do is reason with them. If we are willing to compromise they will be willing too." Then you can't take it anymore. So you start to ask questions. "Well how do we compromise with terror? How should she have compromised? How do we negotiate with a group of people who are not interested in trade agreements, land settlements, earthly rights, or monetary relations." They want to purge the earth of all infidels? How do negotiations even begin? We can offer money, sovereignty, technology, UN power, and even wealth and still it will not help against this murdering scourge. They are not interested in anything "of this earth".
Freedom and religious autocratic rule can never reach a compromised agreement unless one side is willing to entirely subordinate itself to the other. To take this one step further-- compromise only helps evil. How does negotiation help the free man? You have to pray to Mecca only twice a day and we will not chop your head off. You can remain alive but you will have to pay a 50% tax because you are not Muslim. All we do is beg for our lives while we give away our rights and afford them more rights.This only this only benefitsthe enemy over the long haul because they use western rights to only further trap us.
The constitution says individuals are free to worship how they see fit, while an Islamo-fascist constitution would say "you are free to worship Allah,and if this freedom is not enacted upon, then you are free to be murdered by the State-- or local warlord. logistics is their specialty. freedom and slavery are philosophical opposites and no amount of negotiation will ever change this.
The weak-strong dichotomy
"When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse"
Osama Bin laden, November 2001
I wonder which we are?
It has been proven... blah blah
Another scientiffic denunciation of the Gore-on cult. It is late. People are alone. follow the link. Read the intro. Watch the Video.
Intellectual means
Alright it seems my last post warranted a death threat in response. How do I follow that up. Christ there are lots of crazies. I came home wanting to talk about the Negative income tax. Oh well. The show must go on. I have already done posts on the evils of its opposite-- the graduated or progressive tax model (see earlier post)
The easiest way to increase the amount of money available to welfare programs is by changing the means in which they are administered, first, simplify the program to protect them from being exploited from loophole abuse, and secondly, reduce the size of the ever growing bureaucracy that does the administering. Current regulations are complicated with deductions, credits, differing allowance rates, and property considerations, which allows them to be easily exploited by individuals, and even worse than that, a massive bureaucracy is required to monitor and administer the complex program, a bureaucracy also equally vulnerable to abuse and unnecessary waste. Fixing both of these problems can be specifically achieved through the introduction of a negative income tax - subsidy program to replace the current, overly complicated, and mottled legislation of the positive income tax system, which drains our welfare revenue base at an ever increasing rate.
The positive income tax system allows people to receive a certain level of income exempted from taxes. The exempt amount is based on rates, which are deemed as a minimal for subsistence. This level is superficially low so that the government can begin taxing income as soon as possible. Any income earned over this level is subject to being taxed. The problem lies in the fact that if the marginal earner makes under this exempt allowance level nothing happens. The unused allowances simply put, goes unused and wasted, plus he is ineligible for welfare benefits, as he is considered employed. This system punishes the low wage earner as he is unable to recover these unused benefits, and this in effect begins to transfer the incentive from working to not working, as welfare, monetarily speaking, is comparable to the artificially low level of exempt allowances.
A negative income tax system would allow for some portion of the unused allowances to be recovered up to the specified exemption level at a set subsidy rate. Milton Friedman, the system creator recommends a rate of 50%. This rewards the low income earner versus the non-worker, instead of punishing him with essentially 100% tax rates, as all earning are essentially deducted from welfare payments in a positive income tax system. A negative tax system with an exemption level of $20,000 for a family of four with subsidy rate of 50% qualifies a family of four with no income to be eligible for $10,000. Any income made on top of this initial amount reduces the subsidy by 50%. If the family of four earned $12,000 in a single year, the subsidy would be reduced by $6000, giving the family an overall income of $16,000, at an expense of $4000 to the taxpayer. Where as with a positive income-tax systems, the family of four would be left with the decision of taking their earned amount of $12,000 or being completely unemployed and still earning $11,500 from the government, with no incentive to earn the $12,000 as it would be only a $500 improvement over not working at all.
Positive income tax guidelines are designed to benefit only those who are completely unemployed. Unused credits from those that are marginally employed are not refunded, which shifts incentive from working to not working for the low-income earner.
Lack of skills is the biggest problem facing recipients. Keeping recipients in the workforce is of optimal importance as it is the only way to build the worker’s skills, and prevent already present skills from further atrophy. Welfare handouts have no way of passing on the virtues of the employed to the unemployed.
Welfare mother’s are penalized, instead of rewarded when they earn extra money, through such pursuits as babysitting or working one day a week in a restaurant, men turn down the opportunity to drive a cab once a week, because it is essentially deducted 100% from their welfare payments. When the tax rate for low wager earners is essentially 100%, there is little incentive to work.
The primary goal of the state whenever dealing with the unemployed should be to keep them working. A penalty of 100% on extra initiative should be reconsidered.
The strength of a country lies in its citizens and their productivity. A government’s role is to nurture this productivity and not to destroy it with insecure legislation.
Raise Some Hell
Gore returns to Canada on March 22, to receive an honorary doctorate from Montreal's Concordia University. That same day, he will also present An Inconvenient Truth to the Top Employer Summit in Toronto, with an introduction by Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion. Former prime minister Joe Clark and Toronto Mayor David Miller also plan to attend
When I hear something really stupid. I always pause and say "wow" slowly. It drives my wife nuts. She thinks it makes me look like a jerk. Thats what i did when i read this litte tidbit from the CBC.
Wow a doctorate in what-- propogating a message. Please God, nothing to do with science. If I had a degree from Concordia I'd send the fucking thing back. But I don't have a degree to send back to anyone. 120 credits of philosophy, economics and history later and i find out you have to have six credits in french to graduate with a degree. What french. I don't speak french? How the fuck am I going to pass a class in frech?
Admin: Oh it's just introductory.
Me: No I need to graduate now. I've made plans. I didn't know.
Admin: I don't make the rules.
Me: Fuck. Fuck it then. Fucksakes. I'm done here. I don't need a degree. I want to be journailist. I hate this place. A guy like me is going nuts here.
Admin: It's only six credits.
Me: I don't fucking need them. I can't learn french in one year. Whats the point then? i know my limitation-- no work in the government, Quebec newspapers, that sort of thing-- i got my credits. I did a whole class on Sartre.
Onlooker: For a hippie he sure is uptight. (I had shaggy hair, wore a few hemp necklaces and was unshaven-- so what.)
Me:Hippy. Me a fucking hippy. Jesus Christ. I'm no fucking hippy retard.
Admin: Calm down. You have to get six credits in French or no degree. Simple as that.
So fuck them and fuck me because I have no degree. So I can't send squat back to anyone. I had a friend who said one night when we were all getting drunk at the local "It's too bad a smart guy like you got stuck working in the oil patch". Fuck him too.
People should be pissed
I recently lent my father a copy of a Penn and Teller Bullshit DVD I bought. An entire episode was devoted to explaining the myths about recycling. (IE. we are running out of land fill space, recycling paper is a not beneficial—it is a manufacturing process that has nasty chemical by products…etc.)A great watch for anyone interested in one of the great statist tricks of the 20 century. Anyway today I asked him if he had watched the episode on recycling.
He said. “No I can’t get through the episode. I get half way through and my head feels like it going to explode. I can feel the veins popping out. I get so freaking mad I want to smash the TV. I sit there gripping the remote thinking those stupid corrupt rotten thieving cocksuckers. They steal our money. They force us to pay for it. And they made it all up and all anybody says is “oh well”. It reminds me of when I was in college in the early seventies and everyone was saying we were in the beginning of another ice age. I used sit in the bar on campus and listen to some knockneed jackass talk as an expert on something he knew absolutely sweet fuck all about. Things he had only heard mentioned on the radio or in some magazine. They didn’t know themselves. Nobody verified. Fucking sheep. Where are those people now? They just passively listened. I know where they are now. Here we have this Gore guy claiming there’s going to be 30 feet of water in New York in 50 years. Something which he knows squat about. And the best part is that his only solution is to give away all of our money to the fucking Chinese and Russians. Why? What the fuck for? Why would I give my money to them? Those corrupt bastards. Who does that help? What the fuck is going on with the world? You know why they want us to give our money to the fucking Russians and Chinese Right? It’s those fuckers that print money. The world banks, the Federal Reserve. Socialize the world and control the money supply. Drive the world in submission through poverty. Make the rich poor and poor, well keep them poor too. Fuck them. No breaks for anyone. Everybody just shit ass poor. Anyway no I haven’t finished it yet.
My dad could kick your dad’s ass.
Statist Conservatism
Conservative movements used to be associated with the principles of limited government, fiscal accountability, free markets and the rule of law. In a free society Government’s job was to defend the rights of individual citizens and provide protection for the country. Taxation was kept to a minimum to limit government incessent drive toward interventionism. The lessons were numerous. A rich king was an unimpeded king. The same lesson applies today. The more money a government has access to the more power it has. The more power it has the less accountable it is. The less accountable it has to be the more freedom suffers. As a government’s purse is restricted the less ability it has to define, control and determine society.
Before it was only outright socialists that fought for big controlling governments but now conservatives also believe in big intervening governments. Yesterday the Conservatives Party of Canada increased spending another 7.9 % for 07. The only difference between the Liberal Party of Canada and big Government Conservative Party of Canada is the interest groups they choose to reward and punish. The pigs may
Change, but the trough is always full.
Differences between the Conservative party and Liberals in Canada at this exact minute--as without principle who know what Harpers' next fancy will be.
They prefer farmers to subsidizing the unemployed
They prefer subsidized manufacturers to the middle class... This goes without linking or saying-- who else pays for all the free rides?
They prefer small business to students
They used to prefer roughnecks to hippies, but now they prefer the eco-righteous to the productive-- once again no link or proof necesarry.
But like Liberals they prefer the French to everyone else
Great thinkers
Saturday morning and I am reading a book by Thomas Sowell, and I came a cross this quote by Milton Friedman
A society that puts equality-- in the sense of equality of outcome-- ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality or freedom. The use of force to achieve equality will destroy freedom, and the force, introduced for good purposes, will end in the hands of the people who use it to promote their own interests.
M. Friedman
Simple, precise and absolutely true.