How Terror is Funded
How do Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Queada afford to maintain highly advanced weaponry and guerilla forces. Don’t tell me wealthy financiers like Bin Laden can afford to sustain numerous military programs— military programs that have the ability to stockpile 13,000 Hi-Tec Chinese rockets? Montreal charity scams couldn’t build a single gold palace or even feed a single caliphate harem. How do rogue nations gain the capital required for nuclear ambitions? Taxation— no. If technology is purchased in Dollars or Euros then how many unregistered falafel stands does it take to finance a nuclear generator. And these nations supposedly fund Hezbollah, Al Queada and Hamas? So where does the money come from?.
I’ll tell you where. Bank Loans. Bank loans from American and European banks. Sure taxation from a repressed and economically stagnant culture can’t pay for weapon technologies up front but it can pay the interest on the massive bank loans which could fund their purchase and development.
Why would banks do this?
Banks are encouraged to send highly risky loans with high margins—a loan of a billion dollars with only a 3% return is still a 3 million dollar yearly profit. Add to this the fact that the mandrake mechanism virtually allows the banks to create the money out of nothing—which means they are not using their own money. Yes they create the money out of nothing and then profit from the interest charged on the loan. And finally even if the debtors eventually can’t pay (which they fully expect) and have to default. No problem. All loans are backed by the Federal Reserve or the European equivalent meaning that loans are guaranteed through taxation—the hidden tax of inflation. Meaning simply the Federal Reserve has guaranteed it will print the money to cover the loan if it goes bad—see all African loans. This method of guaranteeing loans only succeeds in devaluing already printed and earned dollars. Your dollars and my dollars.
More motives for bank loans from European and American banks.
The funding of terrorist guerilla forces destabilizes other countries (legitimate or not) in those regions. The funding of the Islamic Chechnyan rebels predicated Russia’s need to increase their own military might which necessitates the need for further bank loans to fund the Russian military expansion—remembering that the bank is only expecting to live off the interest payments. Now the bank collects interest from additional loans. Next the funding of terrorist groups, rogue states, and fledging countries alike necessitates an increase in military output in Free states—states such as Israel, England and America. Who profits from all of this instability? Banks whose loans are guaranteed in the first place by either the WTO or Federal Reserve.
The only way to rescue the world from constant war is a return to the gold standard. Returning to the gold standard would destroy the bank’s ability or a country’s ability to print money to fund profit with no risk.